Saturday 30 March 2013

Waste Management and Technology in Indonesia

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management that comprises sorting, composting and organic fertilizers production.
Waste-to Energy Technology includes Biomass Combustion Chamber and Waste Oil Burner.

For more information please send inquiries to:
CV Wirajasa Teknik Industri
Jalan Abd. Rachman No. 27 A
Pabean Sedati
Sidoarjo 61253
East Java

Jakarta Representative:
Suhardiyoto Haryadi
Email: or

Waste-to-energy Technology in Indonesia

We have designed and manufactured Waste-to-Energy equipment that comprises Biomass Combustion Chamber and Waste Oil Burner that utilize biomass and waste oil respectively.

The following pictures showing the operational stages of Biomass Combustion Chamber for thermal application such as drying process and steam generation.

The following pictures demonstrate some units of Waste Oil Burners that have been completely manufactures in our workshop and are ready for finishing phase and then delivery to customers' facilities.

Monday 25 March 2013

Waste to energy in Indonesia

We are manufacturer of Waste Oil Burner, Biomass Combustion Chamber and other waste related systems such as Composting Facility, Organic Fertilizers Production Lines, Bricketing & Pelletizing Plant, Synthetic Asphalt Plant etc.

Waste Oil Burner

For more information please email us or

Thursday 3 February 2011

Indonesia's Palm Oil Outlook 2011-2020

The palm plantation sector in Indonesia is a large contributor to national income and at the same time maintains quite a large sector of employment. For enquiries on the availability of plantation land please contact me at